Welcome to the Cartridge Recycling Center

How It Works


Nearly a million times a day inkjet cartridges worth up to $4.00 each, are thrown away, only to end up in a landfill where it takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.

Currently only 5% of empty inkjet cartridges are recycled!

With little effort and
No Selling your organization could earn huge profits simply by collecting empty cartridges.

Low On Space?
Introducing our new table top collection bin.
Our program enables your organization to raise money without asking your members and parents to sell goods (often overpriced) to their family and friends. In addition our program provides an excellent opportunity to raise environmental awareness among your members and teaches them recycling can be profitable and save the environment at the same time.

Our inkjet recycling program was designed to make recycling as easy and convenient as possible, that’s why we provide everything you need to have a continuous recycling program that can raise money year round!

We supply your organization with attractive point of sale type collection stands that make recycling simple and easy for everyone.

Your Collection Stand arrives with your organization's custom message on a 12” x 17” header.

Our collection stands list the five major brands (over 100 different models) that are recyclable.

Each Collection Stand comes with an "Insert / Holding" Box.

The “Insert / Holding" Box is unfolded and slid into the collection stand to catch the inkjets deposited as shown to the left.

Prepaid shipping labels will accompany each collection display, simply transfer the cartridges from the holding box into any suitable shipping box you have on hand.

The Cartridge Recycling Center will always keep you in good supply of prepaid shipping labels, extra labels are sent with each payment or – Just call and request how many you need.

Place your Collection Stand in a high traffic area - so it stays fresh in your members or student’s minds. Encourage your members or students to collect cartridges from home or their parent’s work. Most businesses simply throw their empty inkjets in the trash.

Get the Word Out! After you have placed your Collection Stands,let everyone in your organization and the community know what you are doing. Do this via meetings, newsletters, bulletins and best of all, free press releases or public service announcements from your local newspaper or radio station. We provide a sample press release & current Cartridge List with each Collection Stand.

Maintain your Collection Stands by checking on them periodically and transferring the ink cartridges to your shipping box when the “Insert / Holding" Box is full. And affix the prepaid UPS label we provided.

We prefer that all original inkjet boxes and packaging be removed from the “Insert / Holding" box to allow more space for inkjet cartridges. Remove any laser cartridges that where deposited by mistake. They are approximately 12” x 5” and cannot fit through the holes of our Collection Stand.

Always include the Cartridge Return Form supplied with each collection stand when returning your inkjets so we know who to send the money to.

Pack newspaper or popcorn to take up any space so the cartridges don't get damaged in shipping.

Tape your Shipping Boxes securely shut being sure you have enclosed the Cartridge Return Form

Give your Shipping Boxes to any UPS driver or call 1-800-742-5877 for the nearest drop-off location.

When we receive your inkjet shipment we sort and inspect them and send you a check as well as an itemized list of the cartridges you sent (typically within 3 business days of receipt). Along with each check we will also send extra Prepaid Shipping Labels.

In closing, as easy as our program is, we cannot stress enough the importance of getting the word out on a consistent basis. How well you get the word out will directly affect how successful the program will be for you. Do not forget to be creative in offering incentives for your members or students to participate.

Please feel free to call 877 355-4219 if you have any questions or comments (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm EST).